Special Package Includes:Lighting 2 pcs Filter Media Starter Extension Top up water servicePre-Order (Ship in 28 days)
Special Package Includes:Lighting 2 pcs Filter Media Starter Extension Top up water servicePre-Order (Ship in 28 days)
Eliminates toxins and produces crystal-clear aquarium water
Eliminates toxins and produces crystal-clear aquarium water
Eliminates toxins and produces crystal-clear aquarium water
Enhances body colour, promotes digestion and sustains growth of Arowana fish.
Removes ammonia and metal ions Marine and Freshwater use 6 individual packs
Cleaning aquarium and water change
High performance, rapid filtration capacity
High performance, rapid filtration capacity
Pre-Order (Ship in 28 days)
Pre-Order (Ship in 28 days)
* Limited sets on offer only Pre-Order (Ship in 28 days)