Tap water contains toxins and chemicals that would endanger your fish and aquatic lives. Therefore, it is critical to treat tap waters first before using them in your aquarium.
Shop online at N30 Tank for water conditioners (pH, acid, alkaline buffers) and water treatment (anti-chlorine, chloramine, ammonia, nitrates removers), and many other aquarium additives.
N30 Tank is the authorised dealer for many reputable brands of water conditioners and treatment products. Buy your water conditioners and treatment supplies from N30 Tank to assure the safety of your aquarium.
Water bio purification treatment, reduces ammonia in water
Water treatment. Safe for aquarium.
Water treatment. Safe for aquarium.
Water purification treatment, reduces ammonia in water
Water purification treatment, reduces ammonia in water
Water purification treatment, reduces ammonia in water
Supplies a broad range of trace elements Reef Trace may be used alone or in conjunction with Reef Plus Reef Trace is nitrate/phosphate free
Liquid organic calcium source Maintains calcium and accelerates coral growth Concentrated (50,000 mg/L)
Highly concentrated synthetic sea salt Replicates natural marine and reef waters Enhanced potassium formula Superior calcium and alkalinity stability Fast dissolving
Replicates the environment of Rift Lake African Cichlids Contains proper amounts of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium Affects hardness only, not alkalinity or pH
Coarse, high-purity calcium reactor media Provides calcium, magnesium, strontium, potassium, and carbonates 1-3 cm grain size
Contains 100 ml bottles of Prime®, Stability®, Pristine™
Enhances vitality of koi and goldfishWill not adversely impact on pond plantsUseful to temporarily reduce nitrite toxicity
Antibac water treatment for fish care Suitable for hatching brine shrimp Freshwater aquarium and pond
Antibacterial water treatment. Freshwater aquarium and pond.
Removes chlorine and chloramine Detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate 900g (treats 13590L)
Removes chlorine and chloramine Detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate 220g (treats 3322L)
Replicates the native environment of live bearers and other brackish estuary fish Safe for aquatic plants Does not impact pH or provide buffering Suitable for dosing freshwater
Quickly removes all types of copper Copper-specific chelating agent Suitable for emergency copper removal Freshwater and marine
A non-phosphate buffer for lowering pH of planted aquarium.
Refuge to ease stress and avoid predation Provides protection after moulting Seclusion aid during the breeding cycle Additional surface area for growth of algae as a natural food source for shrimpsThis product is sold in fish shops across Singapore. Aquavitro Dosing Guide